As in the penguin?? (Sorry; my knowledge of Bengali culture is woefully limited)May 27, 2021May 27, 2021
REMEMBERING ALEKHYA, SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT, AND GAPING HOLES/RED FLAGSThere are a couple of finer points in the circumstances leading up to the murder of Alekhya and her sister, the last 4 days, that simply…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Tandav: ‘House of Cards’ Rip-off is an anthem of BJP and Right’s Loserdom, and Trailer of Upcoming…I don’t know how to sugar-coat this, so as to make this palatable for the Bhajan Mandali of BJP, PM Modi, and peddlers of “Right is…Jan 21, 2021Jan 21, 2021
Entitlement, White Privilege, Patronizing, and Liberal Lies: Deconstructing John Oliver’s Coverage…If one heard John Oliver virtue-signaling to Indians on how to run their country a century ago, it could easily be mistaken as a white…Mar 5, 2020Mar 5, 2020