There are a couple of finer points in the circumstances leading up to the murder of Alekhya and her sister, the last 4 days, that simply don’t add up. I just need to get them off my chest, although I don’t expect a single person to take me seriously, because I don’t have any tangible proof- only knowledge of the Alekhya I knew.
A. Why is her sister’s digital presence almost scrubbed off?
Where is Sai Divya’s facebook account? Her instagram handle has been changed to ‘divsalekhya’, with Alekhya’s picture, and has ZERO posts. And how do I know it’s not Alekhya’s one more account? Because if one goes through several posts made from Alekhya’s real account, ‘alekhyadivs’, the account ‘divsalekhya’ responds in comments, as her sister.
So who, and why, changed Sai Divya’s name on Instagram to Alekhya’s, deleted her Instagram posts, and deleted her facebook account itself?
B. Why did Alekhya’s online behaviour suddenly change?
If one goes through Alekhya’s Instagram account, there have been ZERO political or ‘Islamophobic’ posts on her Instagram- she mostly shared her own photos, with occasional innocuous photos of her spiritual inclination, which was PURELY meditative, with NO RITUALISTIC FAITH.
The only ‘Islamophobic’ posts on her Instagram happened while preparations were going on for the sacrifice. Doesn’t that raise red flags?
C. Who changed Alekhya’s Instagram privacy?
Alekhya’s Instagram was private account- it was not possible for people to view it without her approval of their following. Why was it changed for public viewing (and consumption of public attention) just before her murder? Was it to make her the red herring, so that anyone doesn’t look any further at the reasons for this brutal murder, satisfying themselves with “mother’s superstition infected daughters”?
D. Alekhya’s ‘Islamophobia’
yes, there is no denying that Alekhya used to share polemic potshots at Islam- BUT ONLY ON FACEBOOK, under heavy privacy wraps. Not even all of her friends could see those posts. She was very conscious of social media community guidelines, and what flouting them could mean for her account. So why would she openly write “Islam is dead”? It makes no sense.
E. Alekhya WASN’T a ritualist
As I have said above, while she did have an inclination towards spirituality, etc., it was PURELY meditation-centric. She had absolutely no tolerance for ritualism, she almost didn’t believe in multiple gods/polytheism of Hinduism (she kept quite about it on social media out of respect for Hindutva people, with whom she nonetheless allied), and contrary to media, police, and random haters’ claim, she DIDN’T follow any Guru-s at all- at least not any alive master. She considered Osho her spiritual mentor, and while she occasionally listened to/read spiritual material of other embodied Masters, she absolutely refused to seek guidance from any, preferring to read Osho’s books (especially Book of Secrets), and trying out meditations by herself. I know this for a fact because I was one of the people who deplored her against it, warning that nothing good comes out of dabbling into spirituality on one’s own.
A girl so staunchly anti-ritualism, Guru-averse could have NEVER been ‘brainwashed’ into believing something as absurd as that killing of her sister and herself would end Kaliyug and usher in SatiYuga. Not a chance in hell. She would not have acceded to the demands of any “Guru”, her parents, or anyone else. She was fiercely independent and individualistic.
F. Alekhya loved her sister
Alekhya was practically, platonically in mad love with her sister- they would eat together, meditate at the same time, they were open to each other about their sex lives and boyfriends, AND they were each other’s biggest support systems against their conservative, orthodox parents’ disapproval and opposition, and resisting parents’ pressure to get married and ‘settle down’. Alekhya was instrumental in getting her sister psychiatric help some ten years (or more) ago when she was in a bad place, and took care of her there. Alekhya and her sister were both aware of their mother’s delicate mental condition (although admittedly she NEVER let me even suspect it was this bad), and planned to move out as soon as the lockdown was over, and either of them could get a job- Alekhya was even working for some website that provided online tuitions and homework assistance to American high school students, despite the sisters being heiresses to crores of property and school business of the parents, because they didn’t want to inherit anything at the cost of losing their freedoms.
Does the Alekhya I described above sound ANYTHING like a woman who would let her mother murder her sister, and would sit naked in the puja room, waiting for her own murder?
G. What happened to the dog?
One of the things that were characteristic of Alekhya, which I remember to this date, was her uncharacteristic love for her pet dog. She loved it like a mother, and loved it more than she loved her parents- as did her sister. Only last November, she forced her father and sister to take the dog to a vet despite the local recurrence of COVID spikes, because the dog was old and she did not want to take a chance. Yet, curiously, there is neither any mention of the dog in police findings as reported by the media, nor in media coverage of neighbors’ recollections of the fateful night. Why? What happened to the dog? Was it also killed? Did it run away? If it was in the house, why did it not try to save the girls?
H. Shiva and Mohini??
While Alekhya was certainly rituals-averse, she did know Hindu mythology well enough to know that Mohini is
1. An avatar of Vishnu, not Shiva
2. Is NEVER worshipped , because it IS known for causing misfortune and madness.
So why would she first write “Shiva is coming” and then go on to add “Mohini” in her name. Also, she was the last person one could expect to be megalomaniac enough to actually consider equating herself with any avatar.
I. What happened in the last 4 days?
If one observes Alekhya’s Instagram account, it was pretty normal until FOUR DAYS BEFORE THE MURDER, when abnormal facebook posts and Instagram posts started cropping up. These four days coincide with the time duration reported by many media portals to be the time duration of her parents disallowing maids into the house- probably because a sacrificial altar was being prepared inside home.
Now, Alekhya was a staunch, almost-militant ethical vegetarian i.e., she did not eat meat because she disliked killing animals for human benefit. In fact, she was one of those people who consider human life to be at same moral par or lesser with animals. How could such a person have agreed to participate in a ritual where a sacrificial altar was being prepared? What happened in those 4 days? Who ACTUALLY made all those posts from Alekhya’s account, and why? Was it to focus all the attention on Alekhya’s account, and let her sister’s suspicious disappearing act over social media go unnoticed? Who could have benefitted from it?
These questions need to be probed, need to be answered. While I’m NOT contesting the apparent fact that the murders of Alekhya and her sister were indeed committed by their mother, with father as accomplice, they are clearly NOT ALL there is, to this story. A mentally ill, delusional, 50-ish old woman could never have brainwashed the two sisters (or at least Alekhya), she could not have overpowered the two sisters even with her husband’s help, and there is no way the couple could have kept them in the house for 4 days without any outside assistance. Making posts from Alekhya’s account was no mean feat either, especially because there was apparently a normal, ‘happy childlessness’ themed meme post shared in between the “work is done” and “Shiva is coming” posts, ergo the person who shared that post knew the kind of posts Alekhya is predisposed to sharing on her timeline.
Who am I?
I was Alekhya’s friend- probably the closest one she had in some time- until five weeks before her murder, when we had a falling out and agreed to stop speaking, and I blocked her from everywhere. I was alerted of her murder by another friend of hers, and I’m only trying to make sure that the investigation of her murder does not stop at the obvious “superstitious mum, Hindutva daughter” angle.
It took me this long to write it because I’m shell-shocked and benumbed by the incident myself. I don’t know how long it would take me to get the image of Alekhya’s tonsured head, bleeding forehead, half-open eyes, and gaping mouth with whatever they stuffed her mouth with, out of my head. I initially told myself that there’s a possibility there might be others also who would raise alarm, exhort the police and media to look beyond the obvious, but at least as far as I read the English language facebook, twitter, and news channels/websites conversations and reports on this, it did not look like it would be investigating those avenues- everybody seems satisfied with one obvious culprit, the parents, and one very plausible explanation, Alekhya’s last four Instagram posts.
Hence I am speaking up. I request everybody who has read this far to please share or copy-paste this enough to reach the investigating authorities, so that they look into the red flags and plot holes I have listed.
As for me, I am trying to move past the denial stage, into acceptance and moving on.